Saturday, September 29, 2018

Brad's Rebuilt videos

 The videos on the playlist on my channel are done editing and done. I am working on more editing on the videos itself and will upload the videos.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

North Platte rail days 2018

      Me and my brother went to North Platte rail days. We walked around cody park and looked inside UP 3977. We rode the bus to the bailey yard and golden spike and back. After that, we went to the train downtown to attempt to ride the train. We were on the waiting list till they told us that the train is full. We catch the operational lifesaver train in Maxwell and went on home from there.

Brad's videos of August,2018

      There is only 7 clips of videos that occured in August,2018. I filmed 3 days of trains,and the rest were railfan vlogs and that's it.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Union Pacific locomotive issues on September 9,2018 in Gibbon,NE

Union Pacific locomotive issues on September 9,2018 in Gibbon,NE

         I went to Gibbon to film trains along the Union Pacific’s main line. I got a bunch of trains. This auto train stalled in Gibbon. I hanged around Gibbon waiting for the auto train to leave but it never happened till I leave around 4 in the afternoon.
        The auto train was backing up and hopefully get the crossing to clear but it never happened till I leave around 4 in the afternoon. I walked to subway in Gibbon I used my camera to shoot video and my smartphone to take pictures to post on my Instagram account.
        I did a live video of the stalled train on the group on facebook called ”Nebraska Railroads”. Dave the engineer commented on my post about the eight locomotives on the stalled train as is. “Of the 8 locomotives on the head-end of this train only 3 were working. The rest were either bad ordered or past due for inspection. The 4th unit, UP2624, had a traction motor lock up.”
        The Marysville Sub had to use the eastbound track to get the trains east and west on the track. The Kearney Sub had to wait for this to clear the track. When it’s clear for the Kearney sub to clear. It got busy after I ate my lunch at Gibbon Junction around 2 in the afternoon. I finished filming trains around 5 in the evening in Alda.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Brad's videos of July,2018

       I had a busy stretch in the month of July. There are 5 train videos were shot during the month of July.